Affordable Housing

 Alpha stands with the marginalized extremely low to moderate-income earners who are being left behind when it comes to obtaining affordable housing. We are passionate about our experimental American democracy and its cultural melting pot of citizens who deserve the benefit of equal opportunities under the law. We do not discriminate against any individuals on any unlawful basis and welcome all low to moderate income earners who are serious about homeownership. Our emphasis on an increase in property ownership for African Americans communities across the country is based on hard statistics that support the fact that they need our services the most. We sight studies consistently showing mostly Black communities dead last in homeownership rate per capital and layout the history of systemic racism they have faced (History).

Affordable housing is a real crisis in America, the world's wealthiest country with the largest economy. The lack of affordable housing is at the root of many social problems facing our nation. Including poverty, homelessness, educational disparities, healthcare and crime. Poor families who rent spend more than half of their income on housing costs. The gap between who can afford to rent/buy a home and who cannot afford it will continue to grow until more people work to reverse the trend. Alpha is joining the efforts of organizations like the National Low Income Housing Coalition to increase the availability of affordable housing and homeownership. The National Low Income Housing Coalition statistical data outlines the problem with a lack of affordable housing across the nation.

Gap Chart 1Together, we will advance anti-racist policies and achieve the large-scale, sustained investments and reforms necessary to ensure that renters with the lowest incomes have an affordable place to call home. More than ever, bold policies are needed to ensure that people with the lowest incomes and the most marginalized people have a stable, affordable home.

Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition (

With the souring prices of homes low to moderate-income earners are becoming of part of the working-class poor in America. The middle class has all but been eliminated as the gap between the rich and poor grows wider.


Rising Home Prices

The typical home value of homes in the United States is $325,677. This value is seasonally adjusted and only includes the middle price tier of homes. United States home values have gone up 19.9% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 17.3% in the next year.

Source: United States Home Prices & Home Values | Zillow


Record-breaking numbers of families cannot afford a decent place to call home:

  • Nationally, there is a shortage of more than 7 million affordable homes for our nation's 10.8 million plus extremely low-income families. View The Gap
  • There is no state or county where a renter working full-time at minimum wage can afford a two-bedroom apartment. View the Out of Reach Map
  • Seventy percent (70%) of all extremely low-income families are severely cost-burdened, paying more than half their income on rent.

This is a problem! Every state and every community are impacted. Families have few options. Each year the shortage gets worse; and that’s why people are homeless in our country and why families struggle to pay for groceries and visits to their doctor.



There is a huge need of more nonprofit,100% donor tax deductible, charity foundations and endowments started for the sole purpose of creating a subsidized affordable housing support system to offset rising housing costs. This will require teamwork from VOLUNTEERS, active caring community members seeking positive change, existing care organizations, and the business community. NO OUTSIDE HELP CAN BRING SUSTAINED CHANGE, MEMBERS INSIDE OF COMMUNITIES IN NEED MUST STEP UP!!! Alpa wants to help! NOBODY can help communities that are not willing to help themselves.


Help Alpha Help You

Community building starts within

Our government was a part of creating the problems associated with a lack of affordable housing, communities in need cannot wait for them to resolve these issues (Housing History). It is not functional or compassionate enough to solve housing crisis issues. The United States has more billionaires, 724 Americans, than any other country in the world. The money that they spend on accountants to avoid paying their fair share of taxes could help create affordable housing for many of over 44 million Americans making minimum wage who can't afford to rent a 2-bedroom apartment. There are few people in position to help these decimated communities in need who care enough about them to impact positive change on the affordable housing market.

Communities in need have no other options left then to look inward for solutions to their affordable housing shortage. Residents must unify the community, find new innovative ways to organize residents who are willing to reinvest in themselves. This will require every individual to take personal responsibility for their own financial health and become an active part in bringing desperately needed change to their community. Residents must be willing to commit to working together on solutions while holding ourselves and each other accountable for our mutual commitment to creating affordable housing.

Responsible residents must focus their energies on making it hard for past housing mistakes to continue to restrict future development and growth. Caring residents have to become leaders who take control of the local housing environment by empowering themselves with everything needed to successfully implement changes that stabilize their unstable communities. To read more about personal and financial growth click here.


    Anyone interested in Affordable Housing can complete our contact form with details about your interest.